Stevens Crescent

Stevens Crescent is Andy's own house in Totterdown, Bristol. It is in the middle of a terrace with only a small back garden so the water reservoir was made by harnessing 4 220l barrels together. The building has a valley roof so this allowed the header tank to be placed externally within the valley (which also meant along a load-bearing masonry wall).

A 1000 Litre reservoir and four header tanks totalling 570 Litres in capacity is used. The water is used for toilet flushing, clothes washing, and a handwash only taps by the sink and basin.

This system provides enough water for about 18 days so is usually enough to cover any periods without rain.

Reservoir 1000 Litres
Days water 18
Uses Toilet
Washing machine
Internal tap
External tap
Cost £1,000

Bushy Park

Bushy Park is a semi-detached victorian house in the Totterdown area of Bristol. The property had three toilets although the initial system was simply to supply one of the toilets with rain water, but be able to extend this later.

The property had a valley roof and the two halves drained into different gutters. However the water collected from just the rear half was enough to fill the 600 litre reservoir and supply the single toilet.

This system has subsequently been enhanced to supply two further toilets, the washing machine and a handwashing tap.

Reservoir 600 Litres
Days water 10
Uses Toilet x 3
Washing machine
Internal tap
Cost £950